Blepharoplasty (Eyelid Surgery)

Upper Eyelid Lift (Blepharoplasty)


Restore the youthful, well-rested, and alert appearance of the eyes by removing the drooping and hooding of the upper eyelids. This procedure restores the openness and brightness of the eyes. Patients look less tired while avoiding the “startled look”, which often indicates an over-aggressive brow lift.


The upper eyelid is skillfully marked while patients are in the upright position.  Then the skin is anesthetized with local anesthesia injections.  The skin is excised and sutured closed with stitches that remain for 7 days.  This procedure takes about 60 minutes.


Recovery time is approximately 1 week. Most patients may expect to put sunglasses on and run errands within 2 to 3 days after the procedure. The correction is long-lasting with some patients returning approximately 10 years later for a touch-up  or repeat procedure.

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Lower Eyelid Lift (Blepharoplasty)


Remove the puffy lower eyelid “bags” caused by fat, which can cast a dark shadow and contribute to the appearance of “dark circles” below the eyes.


The lower lid bags are marked. Eyedrops and local anesthesia are given. A C02 laser is used to remove the fat from within the inside of the lower eyelid (trans-conjunctival approach) and no stitches are required.  With this advanced approach, no skin cutting is involved. There is no alteration of the natural shape of the eyes, nor visible scars. This in-office procedure takes approximately 90 minutes.


Recovery time is typically about 1 week. Cool compresses are used to reduce swelling. (Recovery time may vary if a skin resurfacing laser is performed at the time of surgery). Most patients may expect to put sunglasses on and run errands within 3-4 days after the procedure.  The correction is long-lasting with some patients returning approximately 10 years later for a touch-up procedure.

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