Do you have freckles, sun damage, or “age spots” that bother you? Whether they are located on the face, neck, chest, hands or arms, most likely Intense Pulsed Light is the answer for you.
The IPL is an advanced device that allows treatment of red broken capillaries and veins along with brown discoloration. This simultaneous treatment is great for the typical Marin resident who enjoys the outdoors and has evidence of fun in the sun. The IPL can even out your skin tone and refresh the appearance of your skin.
If you only suffer from broken capillaries or rosacea, we also offer the Excel V laser, which is the Gold Standard treatment for them.
Whatever your concern is, rest assured we have answers for you. All treatments are performed by expert Board Certified Dermatologists.
The IPL treatment course typically involves 3 monthly sessions with each treatment lasting about 10-20 minutes, after prepping with 20 minutes of topical numbing cream for comfort. Recovery can reveal a sunburned appearance with temporary darkening of brown spots.