
2Southern Marin Dermatology was born from the idea that dermatological patient care could use a makeover. At SMD, we value providing a complete and personalized patient experience. This starts at the first office visit and extends to all post-treatment care. Packaged with exceptional care and knowledge from our world-class trained physicians, SMD zaps the one-size fits all health care model of the past.

We understand the complexity inherent to treating the whole patient, not just the skin. We know that skin health and overall health are intimately linked, so we take the time to collaborate with patients to tailor a medical or cosmetic regimen that will address individual skin needs and lifestyle. Together, we’ll create the optimal treatment plan, utilizing the full breadth of modern medicine, from prescription products to state-of-the-art lasers. By combining patient preferences with our expertise in the most recent research and techniques, we are confident our patients will achieve the safest and best possible outcomes for their skin.

At SMD, we understand the confusion and frustration that modern health care places on us all, and we’re here to make that process smoother and more comfortable. With our online patient portal, quick insurance verification, and courtesy-billing services, SMD simplifies the process to prioritize patient time and health.

We have put a lot of energy into making SMD the most advanced medical, cosmetic, and technological dermatology office possible.

What sets us apart is our emphasis on providing compassionate and expert care in a friendly and approachable manner that prioritizes patient safety.

Our entire staff embodies this belief and we pride ourselves on our empathy and warm bedside manner. We want our patients to feel comfortable and well-informed so that visits are as pleasant as possible.  We hope you’ll visit us so you can experience our patient-centered philosophy in action. From our extensive knowledge and experience, premiere services and procedures, user-friendly patient interfaces, and our focus and dedication on compassionate care, you are our priority.

Treat your skin to the personalized care it deserves.