
Are Your Symptoms of COVID-19? Patients May Call Marin’s Triage Help Line

Jason Jarr

We hope everyone is feeling well.

However, if you are not feeling well and are concerned you may have symptoms consistent with COVID-19, Marin General Hospital and the Medical Staff are using the triage system utilized by USCF to determine if patients have COVID-19.

The preferred first step is to call the triage number: (628) 336-5206
The highest risk patients receive a turnaround result in 24 hours. Other patients receive results in 5-14 days via Quest.
Patients with a positive result will receive a followup immunity test in a few weeks.

A reminder: soap and water is effective against COVID-19. So lather up and wash, wash, wash.  Apply cream afterward to prevent excessive dryness. Learn how to wash here!

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