
Top Tips to Get Rid of Dandruff

You don’t have to fear wearing a black sweater anymore—read on for our top tips to get rid of dandruff and keep it gone!

  1. Get a dandruff shampoo and actually follow the instructions! Dandruff shampoos can contain different active ingredients for controlling symptoms. Some shampoos require you to lather the shampoo into the hair and leave on for a specified amount of time and others should be washed off right away.
  2. According to the American Academy of Dermatology if you are Caucasian or Asian, shampoo daily and use dandruff shampoo twice per week. If you are African-American, shampoo once a week using a dandruff shampoo.
  3. Check the dandruff shampoo’s ingredient list. A shampoo that contains coal tar can discolor blonde, gray or white hair. It can also make your scalp more sensitive to sunlight.

If after using dandruff shampoo you continue to have dandruff see a dermatologist. It could be a medical condition such as seborrheic dermatitis, psoriasis, eczema or a fungal infection.


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